Back to Church and on Zoom

Today we had our first 10 am service back in church. The service was also available on Zoom. It was good to welcome back those who wished to be in church and also to still be able to use Zoom to reach those at home.

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St Budock Church is Open Throughout Advent

St Budock Church will be open every day during Advent. You are welcome to come into our ancient church to gain some peace and quiet during the busy build-up to Christmas. Sit for a while and listen to some favourite carols and bible readings and feel the atmosphere of those...

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Christingle Service

This year our Christingle service will be held via Zoom, on Sunday 6th December at 4:30 pm. To book your place or for more details, please email If you would like to make a Christingle for this special online service, you will need:- an orange– a red ribbon / red...

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Messy Church November 2019

It was a delight to welcome eight families to Messy Church on November 9th to learn about ‘Following in Jesus’ footsteps’. With so many people we nearly ran out of fresh fruit salad and toast. But the kitchen team coped wonderfully, and no-one went short. We had a challenge to...

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Messy Church – June 2019

Messy Church Report June 2019 Messy Church fell on the day before Pentecost, so it was a ‘no brainer’ to choose Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, for the theme. But how do you explain Pentecost to adults and children who may not even have heard...

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Messy Church Report – 14th April 2019

 Even though most of the core team were unable to get to the April Messy Church it was business as usual.  Breakfast may not have been as adventurous as in previous months, but nobody went hungry, there was cereals, toast with a variety of topping and yummy toasted hot cross...

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Messy Church Report March 2019

We were delighted to welcome 8 families to our celebration of the arrival of Spring. (Although the weather as I write this suggests that Spring may have gone away again!) Our recent addition of chopped fresh fruit to our breakfast menu was greatly enjoyed; either on its own, stirred into...

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Messy Church – 14th July 2018

Creator God, thank you that you made a wonderful world! Wow. Help us to look after it. This was the prayer that we sent our families home with – along with the date of the next Messy Church in Falmouth (8th September).  We had been talking and thinking about God’s...

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Cornwall Hugs Grenfell – Grenfell From Today

Cornwall Hugs Grenfell have just released a beautiful song called ‘Grenfell From Today’. The song has already reached No 2 in iTunes classical songs. You can listen to it and watch it for free by clicking on the link below. Or buy it from Amazon for 99p. All proceeds to...

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