Everything we do at St. Budock Church relies on your generosity. We get nothing from the government or the central church, indeed we give to them! It’s your giving that enables us to pursue the vision we believe God’s given us.
It costs at least xxx a day to fund all our church activities and to maintain our church buildings, which provide so many facilities for the community. We are entirely self-funded and if you wish to show your support for our work you can donate to the parish in a range of ways, see below. Please feel free to contact our Treasurer for any advice or help setting up a donation.
The Bible tells us to give ‘cheerfully’ as part of our worship (2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9). The greatest act of love and generosity was God giving his son Jesus for us. Giving our time, talents, and treasure (money) is simply our natural response when we truly understand the amazing generosity of God.
You can give to the church in any of the following ways:
You can give to the church in any of the following ways:
The most helpful way to support St. Budock Church is to set up a regular gift using one of the methods below. This saves you time, means that you don’t forget when life is busy and it helps the church with its financial planning. But if that is not practical for you in these difficult times, anything you are able to give as a one-off gift is hugely appreciated and really helps us achieve our mission. Thank you very much!
- Online using credit or debit card via Give a Little: https://givealittle.co/campaigns/4245f80c-ae32-498d-a42c-d34375dd0a97
And/or by using the QR code below:

- Online direct from your bank account via Open Banking by using the button below:
Both these methods can be used for one-off or regular gifts.
3. Via bank Standing Order
You can quickly set up a standing order for regular giving using your online or telephone banking and by quoting the bank account information below.
Recipient: St Budock PCC
Sort code: 40-21-02
Account no: 71349570 (HSBC)
If you are able to enter a reference, please put ‘GIFT’.
Alternatively, you can download a standing order form here, complete it and email it back to our Treasurer or post to the church office.
- One-off gifts via BACS
Use the bank details above to make a one-off donation, and please include the reference ‘GIFT’ s we know what it’s for!
- One-off gifts using the Give a Little contactless terminal in church:
Just select the amount you wish to give and tap your credit/debit card on top, or your phone to use Apple Pay or Google Pay.
- Cheque
Please make cheques payable to “St. Budock PCC”.
As a church we can claim Gift Aid on donations made by UK taxpayers who pay sufficient tax (income or capital gains). This enables us to receive an extra £2.50 for every £10 donated (at current tax rates). If you can help in this way, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form and return it to our Treasurer.