• Feb2016

    This year’s Spring Fair and Coffee Morning will now be held at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel, Falmouth, on Thursday 14th April from 11 am – 12:30 pm Please could you start to think about what you can contribute? Prize in Every Jar – Could you fill a jam jar with any item you can think...

  • Jan2016

    Messy Church Sunday 24th January 2016 After introductions and some rousing songs the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18: 9-14) was enacted for us, in costume, by members of the ‘Open the Book’ tea. Jesus used this story to teach us that we should pray for...

  • Choir Vestry Bookings

    January 15, 2016

    We are now trying to keep a record of bookings for the Choir Vestry so that we know when it is available for meetings etc. Therefore, could anyone who currently uses, or may wish to use the choir vestry, please let Annette in the Church Office know. Many thanks

  • Messy Church at St Francis School is enthusiastically heading into its second year.  Its first Celebration is on 24th January from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. We will hear why Jesus warns us against showing off or thinking that we are better than other people – how topical is that?  All are...

  • Bell Ringing Practice

    January 9, 2016

    From 6th January until Easter, bell ringing practice will take place on alternate Wednesdays and Fridays with the first Wednesday session on 6th January and the next on Friday 15th January, and so on!

  • Oct2015

    Light Party

    October 20, 2015

    Saturday 31st October, 6 – 8 pm This year our Light Party features The Guardians of Ancora. The party will include stories, art and games and of course a feast. Children aged 5 – 11 are all welcome. Younger children are welcome too but would need to be accompanied by...

  • The theme of the Messy Church held on Sep 27th was ‘Down through the roof’, based on the story of 4 people who were very determined to ask Jesus to heal their paralysed friend (Luke 5:17-26). When they could not get into the house, which Jesus was visiting because it...

  • Sep2015

    Messy Church Needs You

    September 17, 2015

    We have a lot to celebrate in spreading the word of God within our communities through witness and action; one being the establishment of Messy Church. This was all down to the energy and enthusiasm of Tina Mead. As she has moved to Truro, Tina has felt the time was...

  • Aug2015

    Baptism Party

    August 30, 2015

    This years baptism party will be held on Sunday 27th September.  If you would be able to help on the day, please contact Annette Bell:  annettelb@me.com

  • Nurture & Nourishment

    August 22, 2015

    If you are new to Budock Church or have been here for some time and would like to learn more about your faith why not think about joining the next Nurture and Nourishment course which will begin on Wednesday 30th September at The Vicarage. Each evening begins at 7 pm...