Data Privacy Notice

Our new Data Privacy Notice is now available. St Budock Privacy Notice May 2018 . The Data Privacy Notice will also be available to view permanently under the About Us heading on our website.

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Report from Messy Church 14th April 2018

Our April Messy Church was blessed by fine weather – the first time since Christmas that everyone had arrived dry shod! After Sue and Adele’s delicious breakfast – porridge, toast, fruit juice, tea and coffee, we all settled down to the activities which were as usual linked to the morning’s...

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6:30 pm service Cancelled tonight

Due to the heavy snow which is beginning to lay in the village and in the interest of safety it seems appropriate to cancel the 6:30 service tonight at St Budock Church. Truro Cathedral and other churches have also taken this action.

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Spring Fair & Coffee Morning

Ron Scamp’s Daffodils  on Show at Budock Church Spring Fair and Coffee Morning Why not take the morning of the work and chores and come along the St Budock Church Coffee Morning and Spring Fair in the very relaxing surroundings of the Penmorvah Manor Hotel. There is plenty of car parking space. This...

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Messy Church – Saturday 10th February 2018

On another particularly wet and cold Saturday morning we really appreciated the warm welcome of All Saints for our February Messy Church.  The theme this month was The Family in all its different contexts. After our usual superb breakfast, the activities included firing a large catapult with a bean bag...

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St Budock Church Charity Donations in 2017

Please see the figures below for which each of the charities were most grateful. Please click the Continue Reading button to see full table of details.   Donations £ PCC Matching £ Total Donation £ Church Mission Society 164.5 164.5 329 Shelterbox 512.32 250.08 762.4 Fishermens Mission 2.53 47.47 50...

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Filling Station – 5th February 2018

Our February meeting at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel was another memorable occasion. Starting once again, with the Hotel doing us proud with hot coffee and delicious home-made doughnuts. The worship music was of the highest quality performed by ‘One Heart’, with Mark Grove worship leading as usual, we were truly...

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Messy Church – 10th September 2017

The theme for September’s Messy Church was “The Cornerstone”. We met as usual At All Saints’ Church, and what fun we had! Breakfast as ever was greatly enjoyed by all. This month we had bacon and sausage as well as fruit juice, tea, coffee, cereals and toast, ably prepared and...

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Deanery BBQ

Deanery BBQ. Due to uncertain weather conditions tomorrows BBQ (Thursday 7th Sept) due to be held at Argal Dam will now be held in the home of Johanna Clare who lives at Trelowen, 16 Forth An Cos, Ponsanooth, Truro, TR3 7RJ which is just past Kennall Vale Primary School. Please park...

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