Messy Church Report June 2019
Messy Church fell on the day before Pentecost, so it was a ‘no brainer’ to choose Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, for the theme. But how do you explain Pentecost to adults and children who may not even have heard the word before? Well, we had a go.
We started as usual with a Team Briefing so that all our wonderful helpers know what is about to happen and where their skills will be used. A simple breakfast was then served to everyone – this gives us all a chance to meet, chat and get to know each other, adults and children alike.
The Marshall then announced to everyone the usual safety and GDPR requirements before going to explain the theme for the day and the activities which we had organised for everyone to join in. Some children rush off to make a start immediately, while others and most adults preferred to finish their breakfast first, and possibly have a second cup of coffee. However, soon everyone was busily involved and enjoying themselves.
To illustrate the sound of wind we made colourful paper windsocks, and to represent the flames on the heads of the Apostles we made crowns of flames to wear.

There was a challenge to recognise the flags and languages of many different countries, which appealed to the adults, and a game of matching pairs of cards with Pentecost themed pictures which led to interesting conversations in a mixed age group. The playmat with houses and cars to move around was popular, as was colouring intricate pictures.

The story of Pentecost was read to us all from ‘The Lion Storytellers Bible’ with plenty of opportunities to wave windsocks, crowns of flames and flags of different countries during the story. We finished with 2 lively action songs and a prayer.

Participants were delighted to receive boxes of handmade greetings cards which had been generously donated to MC for this purpose. Everyone was reminded that the next Messy Church will be on Gylly Beach (whatever the weather) on Saturday 13th July at 9.30 am. There will be no Messy Church in August, so we will be back in All Saint’s Church on Saturday 14th September.
Mary Wright