St Budock Church Charity Donations in 2017

Please see the figures below for which each of the charities were most grateful.

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PCC Matching


Total Donation


Church Mission Society 164.5 164.5 329
Shelterbox 512.32 250.08 762.4
Fishermens Mission 2.53 47.47 50
Cornwall Hugs Grenfell 275.7 249.3 525
Christian Aid 202.8 203.2 406
Bible Society 51.6 52.4 104
Royal British Legion In tray  £9.00

In tin  £41.60


+ £30 donation re 2 wreaths

St. Petrocs 393.15 393.85 787
Christingle 258.58 Nil matching but £67.64 paid re expenses 258.58
Bishop Tim Thornton

leaving gift

106 44 150
Total 2017.78 1484.2 3501.98