Messy Church Falmouth held its first ‘Breakfast on the Beach’ on Saturday 8th July on
Gyllyngvase Beach.
We had freshly barbecued sausages with scrambled eggs in a fresh roll. Delicious, thanks to Alan and Sue Offord, and Claire Allen. We were learning about John the Baptist and his teaching about repenting our sins and baptism as a sign of God’s forgiveness. The activities on the beach were: –
Building a big maze in the sand and then finding the way through as John led the way to Jesus.
A competition throwing ‘locusts’ into boxes with different scores; (the locusts were decorated clothes pegs).
A volcano in the sand. This had to be seen to be believed. A mixture of Bicarbonate of Soda and white vinegar created masses of bubbles which fizzed up and flowed down the side of the volcano leaving indentations in the sand. This demonstrated how having Jesus to follow can change us and how we can make good impressions (indentations) on the lives of others.
A variety of dolls were washed and immersed in a bowl of water leading to discussions about how water makes us clean and how Jesus can wash away all the wrong things we have ever done.
A large drawing of a dove was finger-painted in many bright colours. This was used by Michael in the Celebration.
Michael Wright then led us all down to the water’s edge and there told us about John. Michael ate a couple of real (freeze-dried) locusts and some honey comb to
demonstrate John’s limited diet in the desert, and he was dressed in an old sack. Michael explained John’s role, baptising many people in the River Jordan after they had confessed and repented their sins. John also told the people that someone else more powerful would follow him. Then Jesus came along and John did not feel worthy to baptise him, but did so on Jesus’ insistence. This was when a dove came down and God said “Well done Son, I’m proud of you. I love you.”
Then Alan Bell led us singing ‘God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name’ with his guitar, and Geoffrey ended Messy Church with a prayer.
Messy Church will take a break over the summer and will be back on Saturday 9th September at All Saints Church at 9.30 am. We hope many families will come to join us and enjoy the fun and teaching of Messy Church. Find us on Facebook at ‘Messy Church Falmouth’.
Mary Wright for the Messy Church team.