The popular Obstacle Course, organised by Alan Offord, had a twist; first they did it as fast as they could, then they tried again with a heavy load on their back. A dramatic way to demonstrate how much easier life is when we are not carrying a burden such as debt owed, or failing to forgive someone for a wrong they have done you.
The theme of the morning was ‘Forgiveness’, based around Jesus’ story of ‘The Unforgiving Servant’ as told in Matthew 18: 21-35. After the usual delicious breakfast the families tried out a variety of activities such as ; sticking a broken biscuit back together, decorating Fairy Cakes with a sad face in jail, testing how many marbles (debts) it takes to sink the boat, and writing a private prayer to say sorry to God and putting through a shredder. And, of course, the obstacle course.
Jan Winslade and helpers from the ‘Open the Book’ team then re-enacted the story of the unforgiving servant, encouraged by onlookers shouting “I’m really sorry” and “Hey, that’s OK” at the right moments.
After Messy Church there was a bonus; Daniel Shermon, Musical Director at All Saints Church, gave families a chance to ‘have a go’ on the magnificent organ in the church, and then he demonstrated how it should sound when played by an expert.
The next Messy Church will be at 9.30 am on Saturday 8th April in All Saints Church. All families are welcome; children must be accompanied by an adult please. For further information see www.messychurch.org.uk, and see us on Facebook at ‘Messy Church Falmouth’.
Mary Wright