The theme of the Messy Church held on Sep 27th was ‘Down through the roof’, based on the story of 4 people who were very determined to ask Jesus to heal their paralysed friend (Luke 5:17-26). When they could not get into the house, which Jesus was visiting because it was so crammed full of people, they made a hole in the roof and lowered their friend down on a mat to lie in front of Him.
Marcus told the story with three able helpers and showed us how the event looked to different onlookers; the Disciples, the Pharisees and the owner of the house. We also thought about how the paralysed man and his friends would have felt after Jesus had forgiven and healed him, so that he was able to roll up the mat and walk away.
We sang two songs and then it was time for activities which related to the story. We built paper models of first century houses to understand how the friends were able to reach the flat roof and make a hole in it.
We tried to lower a (hard boiled) egg on a plate attached to strings into a box to appreciate how careful the friends had to be to not drop the paralysed man onto Jesus! To replicate the crush of people in the house we filled a matchbox as full as possible with small objects, and to demonstrate how a man can move his arms and legs we coloured the pieces of a jointed man and fixed them together with split pins.
We were having such fun that the time flew by, but eventually we stopped for tea; a selection of sandwiches, followed by decorated cup-cakes and gingerbread boys and girls.
The Celebration finished with a prayer and a reminder that the next Messy Church will be on Sunday 15 November; same time (4-6pm), same place (St Francis School).
We would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who contributed to this enjoyable Celebration; in providing the venue, contributing to the planning and preparation, and helping at the school on the day.
Mary Wright