Thursday 5th March in the Penmere Manor Hotel, at 11am.
Thank you for all your generous donations to date; we have wonderful Raffle prizes and Auction items.
Further donations can be either;
- Left in the Church (in the Green box beside the Font) until Midday on Weds 4th March, or
- Brought to the Fair at 11am on Thursday 5th, or
- Collected from you up until Midday on Weds 4th; to arrange please phone Mary Wright (01326-210824).If you are unable to come on the morning of Thursday 5th March you can still join in the fun by buying Raffle tickets in advance, or placing a bid for Auction items. The list of exciting items will be announced on March 1st. Please phone Mary Wright (01326-210824) for details.
It will be a help to all other stallholders if you bring your donations to church on before March 1st.
This will be a most enjoyable event, so do invite your friends and neighbours to join you.
For any further information please contact Mary Wright on 01326-210824.