Why do people attend the Filling Station? Well, Christians go because it is another opportunity to be filled with the Spirit. They just can’t get enough!
Those who are searching, go to find out what the certainty is that Christians have.
Our speaker, Phil Misselbrook, gave it in one word – Peace.
Peace of mind. For those who have found Christ and believe in Him, the cares, worries, trials and tribulations which affect the personality, are soothed, so that Christians do not look inward at their own problems, they are put into perspective, because he or she has peace.
Problems do not go away of course, but Christians know that God is there and that no matter what the obstacle, we can rely on Him.
Because Christians have this certainty, we do not wish to keep it to ourselves but wish to give everyone an opportunity to find this peace for themselves. Hence the need for the Filling Station, to help those searching for this divine peace but are wary of entering a church or have a busy family weekend. Everyone is most welcome, the atmosphere is non threatening in the least. The aim is to make it like a cafe, something with which everyone is familiar.
The Penmorvah Hotel is a warm, friendly, safe place to meet. Once again they came up trumps with a comfortable layout with round tables for small groups. The coffee was hot and the doughnuts disappeared rapidly. The courteous staff members looked after us very well.
The worship music was led by Geoffrey, aided by Connie and Michael. The songs were easy to sing and we raised the roof!
Phil and his wife Sue, told us their life changing moment. They had been Christians, but it was only when God directed them did they become the wonderful Christians they are today. Non- believers may be sceptical that God speaks to people. Some Christians, like myself, are envious that He does!
But all Christians know the presence of God and what He does in their lives. As Phil says, He gives peace, an inner peace that is the most wonderful gift in this world.
So, if you are in need of this God given inner peace, why not give us a try? We meet on the third Monday of each month, except August and December. There are no charges. Our timetable appears in the TR11 magazine and on the Budock Church and Falmouth and Penryn Churches Together websites.
If you are in need of transport to the Penmorvah, please phone: 01326 378065