Messy Church – St Francis School
After an hours preparation and setting out in the school hall young people, together with parents (and one with grandparent), were welcomed into our very first Messy Church.
Bishop Tim had already arrived and he quickly made everyone feel at home. Tea, coffee or squash, and biscuits were handed around during the general welcome and the opening song ‘Thank you Lord for this New Day’ was led by Vicar Geoffrey and Alan Bell on their guitars.
A brief outline of the story for the day – Zacchaeus meeting Jesus – and activities associated with it followed and parents joined in. The highlight was the presentation of the story by The Emmanuel Full Gospel Puppet Group who totally engaged the young people, and also the older folds when we sang ‘Now Zacchaeus was a Very Little Man’, perhaps taking us back to your Sunday School Days. After a continuation of the activities, tea was finally announced. From tables laden with party food it was “Please help your selves” after the Bishop had introduced a sung grace ‘Thank you Lord for giving us food’ – to the Star Wars theme tune! The meal became a lovely opportunity for children, parents and the Messy Church team to relax and chat and create a very warm, friendly atmosphere.
Eventually, after a closing prayer, it was a case of hoping to see everyone at the next Messy Church which will be on Sunday, 1st March – same place, same time and the theme will be ‘Temptation’ – Matthew 4 verses 1 – 11.
22 children from 12 families were registered at this first event.
From Tina Mead – I would personally like to thank so many good folk from Budock Church who have willingly given time, talents, skills; have baked and brought items for the meal and generally given good advice and support. Without you all, especially the messy Church Team. The vision would not have materialised.
Please continue with the venture and pray God’s blessing on what is being done.