Don’t miss the Deanery Prayer Day tomorrow,
The Way Ahead
Saturday 31st January at Kings Charles the Martyr.
10:45 am Arrival and coffee/tea
11:00 am Welcome and Introduction
11:00 – 12:30 There will be 4 different sections to work your way around which will be led by Shelly Porter, Pauline Burdett and Rebecca Evans from the Truro Diocese and Rev’d Steve Smith of Mabe.
We will be looking at Mission, Ministry, Discipleship and Resourcing Mission. Each of the above will give a short presentation which will be followed by a quiet time for personal prayer. There will be an opportunity to note down your thoughts and prayers which will be gathered for discussion after lunch.
12:30 Said Eucharist
13:00 Lunch – please bring a packed lunch, tea & coffee provided
13:30 Feedback some of the areas that have been highlighted during our time together
14:00 Depart
Please do come and join us for this important day as it will form the basis of how we might progress together as a Deanery in the months and years ahead.