The meeting at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel on Monday 19th January was most successful. Nearly seventy people sat around tables drinking hot coffee and munching on jammy doughnuts.
The music was supplied by a Budock ensemble and everyone sang lustily, the songs easily sung from the words projected onto a screen.
The ‘life changing’ story was one of a gradual coming to an understanding of our Lord, rather than a sudden flash of realisation that many Christians seem to encounter, it may take many years before the ‘penny drops’ but the experience is no less valid. Knowledge of Jesus firstly brings a sense of peace and contentment, then a sense that life is not empty and meaningless. Life has value and is fulfilling.
Howard Peskett our speaker, gave an incisive yet humorous talk based on Paul’s second letter to Timothy. Paul was instructing Timothy in the art of leadership and although this letter is two thousand years old it is, like rest of the bible, readily applicable to life today.
Howard pointed out that the letter concentrated on encouragement in the faith to be had from family and friends and from the Gospel. However because we ‘leak’ we need to be filled or refilled with the spirit, (the Filling Station is one good way) and we need to mature in our faith, to trust in God and in our Salvation. God has abolished death and armed with this knowledge we have abundance of life here and now, yet everything in this life cannot be compared to life in glory. Trust God and he will complete his work in us.
Following this inspiring talk, some people went for prayer, others sat and discussed what they had just heard. The meeting finished as usual at 9:30.