Today in Junior Church we learnt about the time when Jesus had seen Nathanael sitting quietly under a fig tree and how we all need to find our own space to have a quiet chat with Jesus to tell him all our worries as well as the things that make us happy.
We made our own fig tree and acted out the story of when Jesus met Philip and asked him to ‘follow me’ and how they also met with Nathanael along the way. We learnt about the fig tree and tasted figs in various ways, fresh figs, dried figs and fig rolls and mostly agreed that we preferred the dried figs the best with the fig rolls coming a close second. We then designed some Budock Graffiti showing Budock Church and Jesus are the things that we all have in common and our own gifts, interests and places we like surround it. If you would like to see our graffiti have a look in the Log Cabin.